Jelenko and
Dan Brearley are now friends
Garden profile is only accessible to edit for members in the countries where we store climate data. At present, this is Australia only. Other countries will be added over time. You can use all site functions other than the planting calendar. in the Plant Wizard Please add further information on your self to your Member profile .
Jelenko and Dan Brearley are now friends
Great work Dan, I remember walking around that slope with you and helping plan your food growing spaces.. How does it feel to be back? Love to see your progress shared here. Post any question here, happy to assist.
Coming along nicely.
The gardener herself and a nice view to enjoy
Finally putting your 2019 plan into action Peter! We moved to the Caribbean for a couple of years, now we are back!
Hi Peter – thanks. It’s great to be back home again. yes still at McAfees Lookout
Look like a family team sport. Awesome stuff.