Great time to leaving some plants in your garden to go to seed. The picture below shows brassica plants with yellow flowers, rocket with white flowers and red lettuce with red flowers. If you have questions on seed saving, start the conversation.. We are developing a resource on it over the coming weeks
Link to 4ZZZ interview our Co-Founder Peter gave recently: https://4zzz.org.au/program/eco-radio/2022-08-03%2012:00:00
The interview segment starts at 00:18:45 mark. -
Have a look at this great video with Jelenko Dragisic (co-founder of Gleanr) talking with Suzanne Englehard (founder of Samford Edible Garden trail. They are talking in my garden in Draper which was in the Garden trail. Its a very insightful and helpful conversation.
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