Balancing act: how urban landscaping, biodiversity, urban agriculture and communities converge

Fresh from her exploration of urban food growing trends in the USA, we caught up with the dynamic Kate Fitzgerald—a seasoned environmental trainer, educator, and nursery manager, with the unique twist of being an experienced chef. Kate’s expertise intersects seamlessly in the realms of urban food, urbanism, and biodiversity, all converging to shape liveable communities […]

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Unlocking potential: urban agriculture and governance

While it may not always be the most glamorous part for those passionate about urban agriculture, governance serves as the trellis upon which we can build the foundations of urban agriculture.

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Are you lonely? Growing vegetables with someone may be all it takes to make a little difference.

Did you know that every fourth Australian adult experiences loneliness? Half of Australians feel lonely at least one day a week, and a quarter of adults feel lonely for at least three days in any given week. These statistics were not influenced by the recent pandemic but were published by the Australian Psychological Society in […]

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Cogitations on Urban Food Growing: Exploring the Future of Urban Agriculture in Australia

The comparison between urban agriculture and sports highlights their shared role in community engagement and economic value. By emulating the balance of community involvement and entrepreneurship seen in Australia’s sports culture, urban agriculture can create a resilient, culturally enriching ecosystem. Collaboration with conventional agriculture and innovative approaches are key to establishing a distinct path towards […]

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Food security and urban agriculture are linked

Urban agriculture is not ‘agriculture light.’ While its multilayered structure and multifunctionality may be appreciated by urban food growers, urban planners, and entrepreneurs globally, it remains largely misunderstood by policy makers across all levels of government in Australia. However, its multidimensional aspects are, in many ways, a more advanced form of agriculture than the conventional […]

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